2025 - International Conference on Sustainable,
Circular Management and Environmental Engineering


International Conference on Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering (ISCMEE 2025) is being organized and will be held on 1 July 2025 in İzmir, Turkey.  

ISCMEE 2025 is organized by the Yaşar University, Plymouth University, Lund University, European Institute for Economics.

ISCMEE 2025 is a peer-reviewed international conference focusing on research advances and applications in Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering.

The ISCMEE 2025 organizing committee decided to conduct the conference in the form of a HYBRID CONFERENCE on July 01, 2025 combining a live in person event with a virtual component.

The ISCMEE 2025 organizing committee will send an invitation with a link to the meeting and an agenda / program of conference.

The papers of ISCMEE 2025 will be published in conference in the proceedings.

Sustainable development can be defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability goals address the global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and justice.

For this reason the Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering is a potential frame for natural  resource development leading to social cohesion, economic competitiveness and stability, use of resources and economic development, safeguarding biodiversity and the ecosystem.

Thematic areas of the Conference are related to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal in context of Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering.

ISCMEE 2025 focuses on the themes of Circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability and in this context, the aim of ISCMEE 2025 is to provide a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, higher education teachers and authorities to present their research results and development activities in the following conference topics:

  • Sustainable Development and Bioengineering
  • Circular Economy and Business Engineering
  • Energy Policy and Environmental Engineering

The Conference language is English.

We invite you to participate in the conference and look forward to fruitful cooperation. 




Authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (8+ pages) including surveys, tutorials, perspective/colloquia papers in conference topics  the according to Guidelines for Authors.

  1. The paper should be written in English and prepared using the Word Template.
  2. Authors can find an Sample.
  3. Paper in one-column format.
  4. Paper should begin with title and abstract that summarizes its content in no more than 200 words. 
  5. For authors working with word: please avoid inserting equations as graphic files. Use the Math function of Word 2003 or 2007MathType or Microsoft Equation Editor to create your equations.
  6. Please include all affiliations and e-mail addresses (or at least the email address of the corresponding author) in the paper you submit.
  7. Publication right form (to be signed by at least one of the authors). Permissions for any material authors want to reuse from previous publication should be obtained by the corresponding publisher they want to reuse. Authors can GET PERMISSION online by using  http://www.copyright.com/publishers/rightslink-scientific.


Paper Formatting:

Accepted papers written in English will be published  after conference. Therefore, for preparing your submission please STRICTLY FOLLOW the Editorial Guidelines.

Authors should be submit online before June 25, 2025 via  Submission System:

  1. An paper in the format of Conference  Proceedings (8-10 pages).
  2. Video presentation up to 10 minutes (the authors will be given instructions on how to prepare a video presentation of their speech at the conference).
  3. References in APA Style should use  DOI Citation Formatter, as shown in the Style Points and can be easily found on Google Scholar and linked via Crossref. Please check all sources (Scopus, CrossRef) and ensure that data provided in the references are correct before submitting an article. Use of the DOI is highly encouraged.
  4. The number of references in the list of references should not be less than 10 (most sources from Scopus).
  5. The quality of the digital images should have an original high-resolution, at least 300 dpi for figures that will be printed, and at least 150 dpi for an online only publication.

Papers will be checked in a plagiarism tool and that any ethical misconduct will be considered very seriously. Paper will be peer reviewed after it has been checked for plagiarism using Unicheck software.

Authors are encouraged to refer to the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) for all aspects of publication ethics (http://publicationethics.org) and to strictly conform to the ethical rules described on publishing policies ethics.

Papers which are prepared for publishing should be original research manuscripts, never published before and not under consideration for publication in any other conference proceeding (journal etc.).

All papers are supposed to present novel research results of international interest. Papers need to be related to the main topic of the conference and conference topic fields.

After the conference, the Scientific Committee aims to publish high-quality topical collections (special issues) on cross-cutting themes from the Earth and Environmental Sciences in the journals. Authors can submit a new papers that are not published and not submitted to another journal.

All papers will be peer-reviewed by the Editors of each journal before final acceptance for publication.

Articles are published in English only. The article should be written in a language understandable to a specialist in the relevant field. Compliance with English translation requirements is done by native speakers and professional translators.

All papers are reviewed by a native speaker. All papers are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. Acceptable minimum of originality is 90%. All papers should be not less than 8 pages (recommended 8-12 pages). At least one author of each article should attend to the conference. A maximum of two articles per author is accepted. The conference language and the paper language is English. Make sure that all text elements, formulas, tables, signs and inscriptions in figures are in English. The Greek alphabet is valid only in formulas. All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa. References can only be linked via Crossref if they are correct and complete. The manuscript must be in DOC (or DOCX) file. The manuscript should follow the IMRAD format:

State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.

Material and methods
Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Methods that are already published should be summarized, and indicated by a reference. If quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and also cite the source. Any modifications to existing methods should also be described.

A Theory section should extend, not repeat, the background to the article already dealt with in the Introduction and lay the foundation for further work. In contrast, a Calculation section represents a practical development from a theoretical basis.

Results should be clear and concise.

This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.

The main conclusions of the study may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.

References to the sources used should be in the order of mentioning in the text in the format [1], [2-6], [3, 5, 7]. You should not give links to unpublished articles.


Plymouth Business School Staff portrait of Dr Stavros Karamperidis Lecturer in Maritime Economics *** Local Caption ***  Lecturer in Maritime Economics Dr Stavros Karamperidis PBS Staff

Prof. Dr. Stavros Karamperidis

Plymouth University, United Kingdom


Prof. Dr. Sandeep Jagtap

Lund University, Sweden

1 Prof.-Dr.-Yigit-Kazancoglu

Prof. Dr. Yiğit Kazançoğlu



Prof. Dr. Paweł Chmieliński

Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Изображение WhatsApp 2024-02-20 в 00.20.03_de7de96c

Prof Dr. I Wayan Edi Arsawan


Изображение WhatsApp 2024-04-09 в 23.50.14_28d4916d

Prof. Dr. Cordelia Mason

University Kuala Lumpur, Malay



YIĞIT KAZANÇOĞLU  Doctor, Professor, Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation, Yasar University, Turkey

ELENA-SIMINA LAKATOS Doctor, President and Executive Director, Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan”, Cluj Napoca, Romania.

VIKTOR KOVAL Doctor, Professor, Izmail State University of Humanities, Ukraine.


ERHAN ADA Doctor, Professor,  Faculty of Business, Yasar University, Turkey.

MIGLENA TEMELKOVA Doctor, Professor, Rector, University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria

YAROSLAV KICHUK Doctor, Professor, Rector, Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail, Ukraine.

YESİM DENİZ OZKAN-OZEN Doctor, Faculty of Business, Logistics Management, Yasar University, Turkey.

ROXANA-LAVINIA PĂCURARIU PhD, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan”,  Romania.

OANA BIANCA BERCEA Doctor, Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan”, Romania.

MARIUS PASCULEA  Doctor, Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan”, Romania.

YUCEL OZTURKOGLU Doctor, Professor, Faculty of Business, Logistics Management, Yasar University, Turkey.

ESRA EKINCI Doctor, Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Bakırçay University, Turkey.

GULMUS BORUHAN Doctor, Professor, Faculty of Business, Logistics Management, Yasar University, Turkey.

PERVIN ERSOY PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business, Yasar University, Turkey.

RADI DIMITROV PhD, Associate Professor, University of Telecommunications and Post, Sofia, Bulgaria.

MELİSA OZBİLTEKİN-PALA Research Assistant, Yasar University, Faculty of Business, Logistics Management, Turkey.

DENİZ SEZER Research Assistant, Yasar University, Faculty of Business, Business Administration, Turkey.

GULMUS BORUHAN PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business, Logistics Management, Yasar University, Turkey.


AGNIESZKA GENEROWICZ Doctor Habilitated of Engineering, Professor, Institute of Water Supply and Environmental Protection, Cracow University of Technology, Poland.

ALLA NAVOLOKINA  PhD, Associate Professor, President of  International European University, Ukraine.

ALESSANDRO RUBINO Doctor, Professor, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy.

ANİL KUMAR  Doctor, Associate Professor, Operations, Supply Chain and Business Analytics, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.

BADRI GECHBAIA  Doctor, Professor, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia.

DOMINIKA MATUSZEWSKA AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland.

ELENA CRISTINA RADA PhD, Associate Professor,  Insubria University, Italy.

İPEK KAZANÇOĞLU Doctor, Professor, Ege University, Turkey.

I WAYAN EDI ARSAWAN  Doctor, Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia.

JOSE ARTURO GARZA-REYES Doctor, Professor, Centre for Supply Chain Improvement, College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, The University of Derby, United Kingdom.

JULIA YERESHKO Doctor, Professor,  National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Technical University of Munich, Germany.

LUCIAN IONEL CIOCA  Doctor, Professor Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.

MARIANA PETROVA  Doctor, Professor, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.  

MANGEY RAM Doctor, Professor, Department of Mathematics; Computer Science & Engineering Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, India.

MANOJ DORA Doctor, Professor, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, United Kingdom.

MARIN MARINOV PhD, Associate Professor,  D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria.

MARYNA KRAVCHENKO Doctor, Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine

NI MADE UTAMI DWIPAYANTI   PhD, School of Public Health, Udayana University, Indonesia.

NICOLETA BRIȘAN Doctor, Associate Professor  „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

PIOTR OLCZAK PhD, Mineral Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Academy of Science, Poland.

PUTU WIJAYA SUNU Doctor of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Tuban, Indonesia.

RIMA TAMOSIUNIENE Doctor, Professor, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

SACHIN KUMAR MANGLA  OP Jindal Global University, Haryana, India & University of Plymouth, United Kingdom.

SUNİL LUTHRA Doctor, Professor, State Institute of Engineering & Technology, Haryana, India.

SORIN VÂTCĂ  Doctor, Associate Professor, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

TETYANA METIL  PhD in Economic Sciences; Izmail State University of Humanities, Ukraine.

VİKAS KUMAR Doctor, Professor, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom.




Paper submission: June 05, 2025.

Notification of Acceptance: June 10, 2025.

Final paper submission – submission deadline: June 25, 2025.

Registration: June 30, 2025.

Lund University,

Yaşar University,

University of Plymouth, United Kingdom


Conference Program

LOCATION: Yaşar University, Kazımdirik Mahallesi, Selçuk Yaşar Kampüsü, Üniversite Caddesi Ağaçlı Yol No: 37-39, 35100 Bornova/İzmir, Turkey.

Contact information for the meeting using Microsoft Teams

Conference  Link

Times are given in Turkish Time (TRT) UTC/GMT +3 hours

July 01, 2024, Wednesday            

10:00 – 10:15 Registration

10:15 – 10:30 Opening Remark from The Chairman of ISCMEE 2025

Prof. Dr. Yigit Kazancoglu – Vice Rector, Department of Logistics Management, Yasar University, Türkiye.

Keynote Speakers

10:30-10:40 Dr. Elena Cristina Rada – University of Insubria, Italy.

10:40-10:50 Prof. Dr. Sunil Luthra – All India Council for Technical Education, State Institute of Engineerıng & Technology, Haryana, India.

10:50-11:00 Prof. Dr. Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes – Centre for Supply Chain Improvement, College of Business, Law and Social Sciences, The University of Derby, United Kingdom.

11:00-11:10 Dr. Alla Navolokina – President of International European University, Ukraine.

11:10-11:20 Prof. Dr. Radi Dimitrov – Vice Rector, University of Telecommunications and Post, Bulgaria.

11:20-11:30 Keynote Speakers discussions

 11:30-12.00 Lunch Break & Arrangement for Plenary Session

12.00 – 14.00 Session 1

13:30-14:00 Break

14.00 – 15.00 Session 2

Keynote Speakers

15:20-15.30 Prof. Dr. Olha Ilyash – National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine.

15:30-15.40 Dr. Roxana Lavinia Pacurariu – Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan”, Cluj Napoca, Romania.

15:40-15.50 Prof. Dr. Paweł Chmieliński – Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development Polish Academy Of Sciences, Poland.

15:50-16.00 Prof. Dr. Otávio José De Oliveira – São Paulo State University (Unesp), Brasil.

16.00 – 16.20 Closing Remarks

16.20 – 16.30 Closing the Conference

Registration Fee

The registration fee is 400 euro for 1st paper and 300 euro for 2nd paper and paid after notification of paper accept. It includes promotion of the conference materials, proofreading, revising, & editing, refreshments/coffee breaks, admissions and organizing costs.  Bank account details and payment instructions will be sent to participants after papers approval.

At least one of the authors has to register and pay the registration fee by June 30, 2025 for their paper to be included in the conference proceedings. Only one paper is included in the regular registration fee. An author with more than one paper pays the additional paper rates unless a co-author has also registered and paid the full registration fee. No refund is possible after this date. In the case of uncertainty, feel free to contact the organizing committee for clarification to iscmee@gmail.com. 


Yaşar University, Turkey

Kazımdirik Mahallesi, Selçuk Yaşar Kampüsü, Üniversite Caddesi Ağaçlı Yol No: 37-39, 35100 Bornova/İzmir

+90 232 570 70 70

E-mail: iscmee@gmail.com

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